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About Me

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I grew up as an only child... but today I have a large family with 4 grown children, 7 grandchildren and #8 on the way! I spent 30 years in the IT industry. I am now on disability after suffering a stroke in February of '09 and hoping to make the best of my situation by traveling full time in an rv with my wife and my 6 year old granddaughter that we are raising.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Well, here I am again. I thought this part of my life was over when my son, Joel, graduated from homeschool and my youngest daughter, Hannah, went back to public school. I never expected to be raising another school-aged child - non-the-less HOMESCHOOLING! But here I am AGAIN!

Since we will be on the road with a 2nd grader, I have to figure out what will be the best curriculum choice for her. She is very bright, and very much a hands-on learner. It is also important to us to use a curriculum that teaches Christian values as well as high quality academics. Years ago I did so much research on curriculum I could tell you just about anything you wanted to know about any homeschool curriculum out there. As I do my research now, I am finding that not much has changed, except the price! Wow! Who knew curriculum could go up so much in 10 years? I did come across a new curriculum for math that I am very impressed with! However, I have to say that my old favorite publisher is probably still my favorite publisher. It is very traditional in teaching values and very solid in teaching core subjects. I like the way it makes a child think and allows for creativity. The only problem is that there are more books involved than the other "popular" curriculum, and space is an issue in an RV. But I don't think that will deter me. I just feel that the other "popular" curriculum is too much rote (repeat) memory and teaches children "what" to think as opposed to my favorite publisher that tends to teach a child "how" to think.

We will be traveling to Tulsa soon and I will have the opportunity to go to a used homeschool curriculum store that is owned by a friend of mine. I can't wait to see up close all the things I have been looking at online, and checking out the USED prices! LOL And of course there is Mardel's that carries tons of new curriculum as well a huge selection of Christian books and music. The only problem is that I really only have 2 days in Tulsa to do anything and if I am not careful, I will spend ALL my time in these two stores! :)


Chad Houck said...

hey there. We use Horizons curriculum and my wife loves it.

If you have any questions, contact her through our website at http://share5.org/act/contact !

Chad Houck

mholmes969 said...

Thanks! I will check it out. We used School of Tomorrow Paces for our son... he needed the consistency of read and answer questions.

Sennie said...

Hi, you may have already found a curriculum, but wanted to let you know we have been using SOS (same company as Horizons above - Hi Chad!). This was our first year of homeschooling and have spent a fair amount of time on the road - and will leave again next month. Our kids homeschool & roadschool with their little Dell notebooks wherever we go. Networking has been a hassle, but it is doable, and AOP is coming out with an online program as well: Monarch. Both of them start at 3rd grade though, so it might not be a good option for you yet.. You can take free placement tests at the company's website. Anyway, all the best to you and your family!

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