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About Me

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I grew up as an only child... but today I have a large family with 4 grown children, 7 grandchildren and #8 on the way! I spent 30 years in the IT industry. I am now on disability after suffering a stroke in February of '09 and hoping to make the best of my situation by traveling full time in an rv with my wife and my 6 year old granddaughter that we are raising.
Friday, February 19, 2010
I am a firm believer that everthing happens for a reason.  While we may not understand the purpose for a long time, "All things work to the good for those who love the Lord".  When Mark had a major stroke one year ago  this month, it turned our lives upside down.  It was TOTALLY UNEXPECTED.  But God took care of Mark by restoring most of his mobility.  And He took care of us during months of the loss of 3/4 of our income until the disability came through.  As we approached the 1 year marker of this event, we were counting our blessings and looking forward to what lies ahead as a result.  Even though Mark is disabled from being able to work, we now had the ability to break free from the daily grind, purchase an RV and travel for as long as we want. 

Two days ago Mark called me as I was leaving work to let me know that he thought he was ok, but that he had called an ambulance because his left side had gone numb and did not have control over it.  TOTALLY UNEXPECTED!  We thought all was well, he was faithful (most days) to take his medicine, and afterall, it had been a full year.

Several months ago we moved an hour from my job and our family to a run down double-wide mobile home that we were restoring  We did this because of the lack of income and we would not be burdened with a house payment.  Two days ago this hour drive from my work to home seemed like 10 hours. 

Thankfully everything turned out ok... it was only a TIA (mini-stroke).  I say ONLY because there were no residual affects from it.  But the fact that it happened has made us step back and re-evaluate our situation.  Besides another follow up with the neurologist to adjust some medicines and discuss a little habit of Mark's that he needed to let go of - smoking!  Anyway... Mark was in agreement and is embarking on his journey to be nicotine free. 

All that aside, there were still some "what ifs" that needed to be addressed.  In my earlier post "OPPOSITION"  I discussed that we can't live our lives in fear of the "what ifs".  But when something like this happens, you do have to stop and evaluate some things.  There are some "what ifs" that are simply fears and you just have to trust God with them - like "what if he was driving and this happened?"  and "what if it had happened at a time that he was alone with the grandbaby for an hour or so".  But what we needed to evaluate was what - if anything - needed to be done to possibly be in a better position if it happens again.
We saw three options: 

1.  Move closer to my job and rent a house for the next 4 months.  That way we could only take what we REALLY needed and then  could REALLY start getting prepared for our RV adventure by getting rid of stuff and the house would be more accessable to agents trying to show so it would sell.  

2.  Quit my job that I absolutely LOVE and is now providing the extra income so that we can possibly start saving again.  And this would allow me to be around Mark and ensure he was eating properly and getting some exercise and he wouldn't be by himself all day everyday.  This would free me up to actually finish what needed to be done for the house to sell and I would have more time to keep it clean for showings.   OR

3.  Do nothing different and hope for the best.  And continue to be overwhelmed with coming home from work after 6pm and hoping to get everthing accomplished that needed to be done in order for the house to sell.

After much agonizing prayer and soul searching and seeking counsel, we came to the conclusion that moving was not pratical since we would only be there hopefully 4 months.  The stress and expense of a move wasn't worth it.  Doing nothing different really wasn't an option either... I just can't work and come home to take of everything myself.  So.... we calculated that quitting my job would save me a HUGE amount of money in fuel each month, and that considering moving and paying rent, quitting would be a wash financially. 

So with my heart racing and trying to jump out my throat, my stomach turning flip-flops,  and tears streaming down my face, I turned in my two week notice.  I KNEW this was what God wanted  me to do... even though I didn't want to.

So this UNEXPECTED event actually was a blessing in disquise.  I really believe that Mark is going to be fine.... for him I believe this was a reminder to do what he knew he needed to do.  And for me.... a push to do what I really had felt God telling it was time to do several weeks back. 

The PEACE you experience after doing what you KNOW God wants you to do is one of the most amazing things you can experience.  I am really excited that I can now really focus (after the next 2 weeks) on totally finishing my work here in this house and pushing to get buyers in here! 



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