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We will try to keep you in stiches from laughing at our blog. Also we will try to keep you informed on just how fun roaming this country can be.


About Me

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I grew up as an only child... but today I have a large family with 4 grown children, 7 grandchildren and #8 on the way! I spent 30 years in the IT industry. I am now on disability after suffering a stroke in February of '09 and hoping to make the best of my situation by traveling full time in an rv with my wife and my 6 year old granddaughter that we are raising.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
In order to leave we have lots of "stuff" to get rid of. As I've learned this is the hardest part. We have already sold a bunch( mere pennies on the dollar) at an auction. As well as sold and continue to load up a flea market booth. Our house is the 'big ticket' item, so today we have a friend who is a handyman from our church working on some repairs to our place. It started out raining pretty hard today so I had given up on today for a work day, but the rain stopped and the sun is out so David is on the roof working now. Yay!! The sooner the repairs and upgrades are complete the sooner we get it on the market, get it sold and hit the road! I have some body repairs to do on my truck as well. nothing major. it should be only a few hundred bucks worth.

I think (according to my wife Phyllis) we will take the grandkids to the Arkansas diamond mines as a first trip for a couple of days.


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