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We will try to keep you in stiches from laughing at our blog. Also we will try to keep you informed on just how fun roaming this country can be.


About Me

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I grew up as an only child... but today I have a large family with 4 grown children, 7 grandchildren and #8 on the way! I spent 30 years in the IT industry. I am now on disability after suffering a stroke in February of '09 and hoping to make the best of my situation by traveling full time in an rv with my wife and my 6 year old granddaughter that we are raising.
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Today after church we went out for pizza. We has Blayke, Tatianna, Phyllis and myself. The place was pretty full so we ended up in the back with other families with multiple kids. While eating it dawned on me that since we had 4 kids and three of the four are producing grandkids, Phyllis and I will never get out of the Kids Zone! by the time our kids stop having kids, their kids will start having kids. and so on and so on. (Why couldn't my money have worked like that??)

Well let me just say that I am so glad that I will always be in the kids zone. At least as long as I can still remember all of their names. (although sometimes I tend to throw in a dog's name or two as I go through the list.) And by the way, we did get the house listed with our realtor, and the liquidating of our 'stuff' is moving right along, so we are on track to meeting our goal for a July 1st leave date!.

P.S. We found what may be the 5th wheel RV . If we can make it happen it is an 2008 Palimino Sabre, with virtually no use on it. (see picture) A couple just don't use it so they are selling.


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