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We will try to keep you in stiches from laughing at our blog. Also we will try to keep you informed on just how fun roaming this country can be.


About Me

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I grew up as an only child... but today I have a large family with 4 grown children, 7 grandchildren and #8 on the way! I spent 30 years in the IT industry. I am now on disability after suffering a stroke in February of '09 and hoping to make the best of my situation by traveling full time in an rv with my wife and my 6 year old granddaughter that we are raising.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
My oldest daughter, Devon, came over today and we visited the storage room.  UGHHHHH.  We made a little progress.  We piled some things to through away and sorted through some items to go to her house, and some items to go to each of the other kid's houses. 

We toted the 2 big tubs full of 32 years worth of photos back to the house along with the box with all the baby books and memorabilia in it.  We made a small dent in sorting some of the pictures.  It was very overwhelming.   I have decided I need to purchase 5 containers to sort them all in.  One for each of my kids and one for me. 

We decided that we need to back the truck up to the storage room and load all of Kathryn and Hannah's stuff up and deliver them to their homes.  We already plan on taking Joel's to him when we go to Tulsa during Thanksgiving.  This should leave very little in the storage room.  At that point we should be able to get to the other stuff and decide what is trash and what needs to be stored in Devon's attic. (Then I need to go help Devon clean out her attic so she can store my stuff! LOL)

Anyway... this is one small step towards getting ready to launch on our full time travel adventure after Christams!