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We will try to keep you in stiches from laughing at our blog. Also we will try to keep you informed on just how fun roaming this country can be.


About Me

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I grew up as an only child... but today I have a large family with 4 grown children, 7 grandchildren and #8 on the way! I spent 30 years in the IT industry. I am now on disability after suffering a stroke in February of '09 and hoping to make the best of my situation by traveling full time in an rv with my wife and my 6 year old granddaughter that we are raising.
Friday, October 15, 2010
We sat down and made a list of the things that must be done and when they must be done by in order to hit the road after Christmas.  It is a little overwhelming, but if we break it down into small bits we can do it.  Our first trip will be to Florida for the month of January.  Then back to Arkansas for a 90th birthday party.  Mark really wants to be in Florida, but the distance of travel for one month is a killer fuel cost-wise.  But hopefully we can do some boondocking to offset some of the cost.  Passport America membership will help some, but a lot of parks in Florida do not accept it during the winter months... imagine that! LOL

Anyway... we are getting excited, But shhhhhhh... I still have to tell my boss I'm leaving! :)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Our son is working on a logo for our adventures.  Here is one of the choices.